School of Architecture, Art and Design
University of Minho
Campus de Azurém
4800 - 058 Guimarães, Portugal
EAAD/LandS Research team
Ivo Oliveira (coordinator)
Cidália Ferreira Silva
Marta Labastida
Rute Carlos
Vincenzo Riso
Research grant holder
Paula Martins
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Published contents are the intellectual property of their authors and University of Minho’s.
On Being With-it is a digital platform that brings together educational experiments carried out by students and teachers of University of Minho’s School of Architecture, Art and Design (EAAD) in the research area of City and Territory since 2001.
In a space that is permanently brimming with synergies arising from the teaching / learning dichotomy, the contents selected are meant to disclose and share the experiments explored – including methodologies, tools, forms of reading, interpreting, representing and acting with regard to contemporary built environments as well as the themes and emerging issues related to them.
This platform is part of the activities defined within the scope of the homonymous research project On Being With-it: the overall objective of Pedagogical Experiments On Territory is to foster cataloguing, reflection and disclosure of the exploration carried out in this field at EAAD. On Being With-it is an expression recycled from late RIBA president Peter Shepheard’s 1969 speech, where he states the need for architects to develop an integrative outlook regarding the built environment, namely by not facing architecture as separate from landscape or urban planning.
This work has the financial support of the Project Lab2PT – Landscapes, Heritage and Territory laboratory – AUR/04509 and FCT through national funds and when applicable of the FEDER co-financing, in the aim of the new partnership agreement PT2020 and COMPETE2020 – POCI 01 0145 FEDER 007528.