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Technology and Place in the Experience of Modern Architecture: The relationship between tectonic and topographical values in some of the Twentieth century built-forms as an interpretative hypothesis towards their cultural and material recover” tutor Prof. Maria Chiara Torricelli, co-tutor Prof. Kenneth Frampton.
Vincenzo Riso
By different scientific areas within architecture the need to support and divulge a responsible design practice is shared, as it is argued architecture cannot be reduced to an abstract aesthetic dimension and should be open towards the technical and material dimensions one side and the cultural and environmental dimensions on the other.
However technology and place still are considered separate polarities.
The research seeks to analyse those works that, within the experience of Modern architecture, have aspired in various ways to ground the built-form in its context, without repudiating the advantages of progressive building techniques, such as reinforced concrete.
With this aim in mind an analytic procedure has been established based on the reconstruction of the joints of the building, broadly intended at every scale from the given context to the detail and at every part from the earthwork to the roofwork, to achieve, by means of the graphic synthesis of axonometric drawings, a reading of the relationship between the tectonic and the topos vectors in
the formation of every single work.
The enlightenment and diffusion of the possibilities and of the value of such relationship could be considered the utmost goal of the research.