Academic year
Project V (A.P.E)
Curricular year
Cidália Ferreira da Silva Marta Labastida
Exercise Title
Intervention in Vale do Ave (Ave river’s valley)
Intervention Location
Estrada Nacional 206 entre Guimarães Famalicão, Portugal
Activity Description
Project V proposes reflection and intervention on areas that are part of Vale do Ave’s diffuse territory, which is marked by different forms of growth – from polarities to linear growth along structural development axes, to large sensitive areas involving rivers and watercourses. In view of an urbanisation pattern that is different from the model traditionally seen in consolidated cities, it becomes necessary to come up with new ways to intervene. The traditional natural–artificial, rural–urban and centre–periphery dichotomies don't apply to this territory. In this diffuse pattern, there’s overlapping between urban and rural as well as natural and artificial features. They blend in multiple forms of occupation, rendering it impossible to determine where one ends and the other begins. The students are asked to form groups of four and think of specific strategies applicable to a wider area of the Vale do Ave territory. The different scales, as well as potential intervention locations, will be determined by the strategies proposed. The strategy defined by each group is based on their specific view of the indicated area, on the way they interpret it and on the elaboration of an idea for intervention.
Ana Lopes, Ana Mota, José Forte e Luís Rodrigues
Group panel 1 - Industrial liquid, housing staple, agricultural spill;
Group panel 2 - Three times: 1. Urbanization; 2. Installments; 3 Building;
Group panel 3 - Synthesis plan, ephemeral activities, contamination - continuity.
Group panel 4 - System of collective spaces - definition by uses;
Group panel 5 - Spreading forest, pathologies, basic infrastructure, structuring activities.
Structuring Activities, Ana Lopes
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Spraying the Forest, Ana Mota
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Pathologies, José Fortes
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